Fontana Di Trevi Dress


Fontana Di Trevi Dress

Fontana Di Trevi Dress

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Everywhere you go every piazza you strut through every trattoria you pass before heads whip in your direction. And why not? You look stunning enough to stop traffic in this glamorous black number – even if it is just bicycles and scooters zooming past. Featuring a bombshell-worthy silhouette cuffed cap sleeves decorative button detailing down the left side and a bold jutting collar this daring dress leaves you looking like passion incarnate. The addition of siren red strappy heels and a floppy wide-brimmed hat only cranks up your fabulousness. Once you finally arrive at the breathtaking fountain you take a deep breath toss three coins over your left shoulder and realize that you truly are living la dolce vita.

– Sweet Temptation Dress


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